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Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)

Family Dispute Resolution is a particular form of mediation in which an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner takes on the role of mediator to assist people to resolve their family dispute.

The mediator attempts to improve the method and quality of decision making between the people so they can reach an agreement that is satisfactory to them both. Rather than imposing a solution, the mediator assists the participants to generate their own solutions. The mediator is impartial and the participants stay in control of what is discussed as well as the details of any agreement.

The issues discussed can be wide ranging but may include children, communication, financial, child support and maintenance and property issues.

The advantages of Family Dispute Resolution include:


  • FDR is a private process
  • The content of discussions remains private, so far as the law allows, with limited exceptions
  • Details of anything said or statements made during Family Dispute Resolution are not allowed to be used in Court proceedings, so far as the law allows, with limited exceptions.


  • You choose when to mediate
  • Family Dispute Resolution can happen a lot faster than attending court
  • When you resolve issues at Family Dispute Resolution, the agreed arrangements can start immediately
  • The Family Dispute Resolution process can take place in a manner and at a time convenient to you both.

Cost effectiveness:

  • No lengthy court battles
  • Participants know approximately what the total cost will be.


  • Provides a forum where participants can be “heard” by each other and the Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
  • A structured process to assist the method and quality of decision making between the people.

Mutually agreeable outcomes:

  • Unlike the court process, participants stay in control of the issues that are discussed as well as any agreements that are reached.

Please click here for more information and a list of commonly asked questions.

Kerrie Harms

Suite 1, 643 Newcastle Street

LEEDERVILLE Western Australia 6007

PO Box 2162 Churchlands WA 6018

P: 0401 920 841 (business hours phone service only, no SMS available)


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Kerrie Harms

Dispute Resolution & Mediation

Suite 1, 643 Newcastle street , Leederville , Perth Western Australia Australia 6007

© 2024 Kerrie Harms. All Rights Reserved.

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